High School: St. Catherine’s School in Richmond, Virginia
College: Hollins in Roanoke, Virginia
Managed two different Memphis bookstores then co-owned
The Book Shelf in Poplar Plaza. 1977-1987
Author of two books: Tales of a River Town, a child’s history of Memphis and The Christmas Invitation set in 1870’s Contributing writer for Memphis Magazine
Active community volunteer in Memphis, culminating in serving as president of the Junior League of Memphis
Coordinator of Outreach ministries at Calvary Church
Ordained to the Diaconate in 1994
Served on the Calvary staff for ten years
Served as Deacon at Church of the Holy Communion for one year
Served St. Thomas, Somerville and St. James, Bolivar
Began teaching weekly Bible Study in 2000
Founder of St. Clare Retreats, a diocesan ministry of monthly
silent retreats for women in 2001
Served as Secretary of the Diocese of West Tennessee 1998-2012
Served on the diocesan Commission on Ministry for two terms
Appointed First Archdeacon of the Diocese of West Tennessee by Bishop Johnson in 2011
Serves at Immanuel Church, LaGrange